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2015-02-25 18:01:00 来源:网络发表评论

  Exercise 4.1

  1. By the next Teachers’ Day, I ______ in Shanghai for five years.

  A. shall live B. shall be living

  C. shall have been living D. will be living

  2. It ______ every day this week.

  A. rains B. has rained

  C. had rained D. rained

  3. How nice to see you. I don’t know you ______ here.

  A. be B. were

  C. will be D. have been

  4. You ______ things. You should be careful.

  A. always lose B. were always losing

  C. have been losing D. are always losing

  5. None of us teachers understood how he ______ to pass the examination.

  A. had managed B. has managed

  C. managed D. could manage

  6. He left school last year and ______ his living as an advertising agent.

  A. earns B. is earning

  C. was earning D. has earned

  7. While he ______ the poster, a door somewhere behind him opened.

  A. is staring at B. did stare to

  C. look carefully upon   D. was staring at

  8. We had hoped ______ the game, but the other team played very well.

  A. State University to win

  B. that State University win

  C. that State University would win

  D. State University’s winning

  9. If you ______ over there for a moment I’ll tell mother you’ve arrived.

  A. will wait B. wait

  C. are waiting D. will be waiting

  10. My wife ______.

  A. have forever criticized me

  B. forever criticizes me

  C. does forever criticize me

  D. is forever criticizing me

  11. By this time next year, he ______ from this college.

  A. will be graduating

  B. should be graduating

  C. will have graduated

  D. is graduating

  12. Will you please lend me the novel when you ______.

  A. will finish B. have finished

  C. will have finished D. finished

  13. We won’t go unless you ______.

  A. come B. came

  C. will come D. coming

  14. Copernicus maintained that the earth ______ round the sun.

  A. moves B. moved

  C. moving D. more

  15. This is the second time you ______ a cup, you broke one yesterday.

  A. broke B. break

  C. have broken D. broken

  16. By eleven o’clock yesterday I ______ at the airport.

  A. has arrived B. arrived

  C. had arrived D. will have arrived

  17. You cannot find your tickerts? I think _____.

  A. you had left them on the table

  B. you left them on table

  C. you did left them on the table

  D. you left them on the table

  18. “My father will be here tomorrow.”

  “Oh, I thought that he ______ today.”

  A. was coming B. is coming

  C. will come D. comes

  19. When I entered my office, I could see it ______.

  A. has been cleaned

  B. was cleaned

  C. was being cleaned

  D. had been cleaned

  20. This is so difficult a job that I ______ before.

  A. have never done it   B. had never done it

  C. never did it   D. ever did it

  Exercise 4.2

  1. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _____ advertisement showing happy, balanced families.

  A. are often seeing B. often see

  C. will often see D. have often seen

  2. While people may refer to television for up-to-minute news, it is unlikely that television _____ the newspaper completely.

  A. replaced B. have replaced

  C. replace D. will replace

  3. The second book was _____ by August 1987, but two years later, the end was still nowhere in sight.

  A. completed

  B. to have completed

  C. to complete

  D. to have been completed

  4. I don’t know what I’d have done if I _____ to make the decision.

  A. would have B. had had

  C. have had D. did have

  5. The line was busy, someone _____ the telephone.

  A. must use B. must be using

  C. must have been using     D. may have used

  6. Before we went very far, we found that we _____ our way.

  A. would miss B. would lose

  C. had lost D. were missed

  7. The plane was _____ at half past five but for the storm.

  A. to take off B. to be taken off

  C. to have taken off   D. taking off

  8. I would have told him the answer had it been possible but I _____ so busy then.

  A. had been B. were

  C. was D. would be

  9. The television visiting scholar planned to spend the weekend writing letters and _____ his director.

  A. visited  B. visiting

  C. was going to visit  D. should visit

本文关键字: 联考英语 考试资料 联考英语考试



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