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2015-02-25 18:01:00 来源:网络发表评论

  Exercise 1.1

  1. Twenty dollars ______ all I can afford to pay for the recorder.

  A. is     B. are

  C. were    D. being

  2. Each and every witness ______ expected to give testimony he does not wish to disclose.

  A. are     B. be

  C. have     D. is

  3. During the past few years the number of automobile accidents in Beijing ______ decreased. (a number of ns)

  A. have    B. is

  C. has    D. are

  4. He was all ______ at the news that he had been admitted into the Communist Party.

  A. smile      B. smiles

  C. smiling    D. smiled

  5. The coffee isn’t hot enough. Let me get you ______ that is hotter.

  A. one    B. some

  C. any    D. those

  6. The inner emptiness of all Hollywood pictures ______ by an outer impressiveness.

  A. are compensated for

  C. have been compensated for

  B. is compensated for

  D. has compensated for

  7. You should give more ______ to do this.

  A. thoughts     B. thought

  C. thinking     D. thoughtfulness

  8. Home computer-teachers may replace the classroom teachers as ______ takes over the education of young people.

  A. machine    B. machines

  C. machinery    D. machineries

  9. The rise of divorce rate and the increasing number of young people who choose to live in extramarital arrangements ______ many thoughtful people to question the future of marriage.

  A. has led    B. have led

  C. lead D. leads

  10. Some critics argue that Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry ______ more music than meaning.

  A. is     B. are

  C. as being     D. had been

  11. He couldn’t remember ______.

  A. what was the formulae

  B. what the formulae was

  C. what were the formulae

  D. what the formulae were

  12. The professor has given him one of the best ______ I have ever heard.

  A. pieces of advices    B. piece of advice

  C. pieces of advice     D. piece of advices

  13. Ten years had elapsed, I found she had ______.

  A. a little white hair     B. some white hair

  C. much white hair  D. a few white hairs

  14. We saw a lot of ______.

  A. cow and sheep  B. cows and sheeps

  C. cow and sheeps  D. cows and sheep

  15. Every means ______ been tried since then.

  A. has  B. have

  C. are  D. is

  16. His cattle ______ feeding near the forest. (police, poultry 家禽, vermin 害虫, 只能用复数)

  A. are  B. is

  C. have  D. has

  17. Julie went to the ______ to buy a pair of shoes.

  A. shoes store     B. shoe store

  C. shoe’s store D. shoes’ store

  18. The mother helped the child ______.

  A. build sand castles     B. build castles in the sand

  C. build castles by sands  D. build castles with sand

  19. Miss Smith is a friend of ______.

  A. Mary’s mother’s  B. Mary’s mother

  C. Mary mother’s    D. Mother’s of Mary

  20. Jim and Ronald are ______.

  A. my mother and father’s friends

  B. my mother’s and father’s friends

  C. my mother and father friends

  D. friends of mine father and mother

  Exercise 1.2

  1. The _____ of this problem _____ still not clear to most of us.

  A. bases, is     B. basis, are

  C. basis, is     D. basises, are

  2. Computers are tools carrying _____ for human beings.

  A. many information    B. many informations

  C. more information    D. much information

  3. You can order _____ if you like.

  A. two furniture      B. two pieces of furniture

  C. two piece of furnitures    D. two pieces of furnitures

  4. The _____ in this schools are mush more active than those from other schools according to a recent research.

  A. womanstudent  B. womenstudents

  C. womenstudent D. womanstudents

  5. It’s said that the _____ here would never go on strike.

  A. postmen B. postsman

  C. postmans D. postsmen

  6. He finally found that the two _____ were his _____.

  A. standers-by, sisters-in-law

  B. stander-bys, sister-in-laws

  C. stander-by, sisters-in-law

  D. stander-by, sister-in-law

  7. Nowadays, cards _____ not so popular as Majong.

  A. were    B. are

  C. is     D. was

  8. The Himalayas _____ a large variety of living _____.

  A. has, specie    B. have, species

  C. have, specie    D. has, species

  9. The majority _____ on this point and the majority of us _____ the question in the same way.

  A. agree, answer   B. agrees, answer

  C. agrees, answers  D. agree, answers

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