
2015-02-22 21:39:00来源:网络

  181. 答案:B

  解析:主句非倒装形式是:The storm was so severe. “主语 + 系动词 + 表语”变成“表语 + 系动词 + 主语”,倒装是为了强调表语。例如:So bitter was the medicine that the child refused to take it.

  182. 答案:B

  解析:表示“国家的”和“城市的”等可以用’s 的形式。这是名词所有格的特殊用法,也可用来表示距离、时间、重量等。如:They were surprised at France’s industry. /His house was just a stone’s throw from here. /Ten day’s work made him exhausted.

  183. 答案:D

  解析:不省略的形式是:I know of nobody who can undertake the job. 再如:“Is there anybody who can revise the essay?” “None that I know of.”

  184. 答案:A

  解析:动词be 用在虚拟语气里,表示完全不可能时用were, 如:If they were you, they would not agree to the arrangement. /If there were enough water there, the local people would lead a much better life.

  185. 答案:A

  解析:表语和主语都是主格,故用who is who 。再如:There was such a chaos during the feast that he could not tell who was who.

  186. 答案:C

  解析:can’t do … too much 的意思是“做##到什么程度也不为过”,如:You could not be too quick-minded in that situation. /The student could not thank his teachers too much for their help in his studies.

  187. 答案:B

  解析:of …是名词的所属形式,mother’s 也是名词所属形式。my mother’s 后面省略了friends 一词。根据句子意思,“朋友”是泛指,故用a friend, 不是特指的my mother’s friends 。再如:I allowed him to read a letter of my father’s to my schoolmates.

  188. 答案:A

  解析:since 在此是副词,来自since(从属连词)we saw them last week ,故应在末位。注意时态。如:Fifty years ago they moved out of the small town and they haven’t been back since.

  189. 答案:B

  解析:外来语中名词的单数和复数应该记住。“现象”phenomenon 是单数,phenomena 是复数形式。根据句子的意思,须用单数形式。例如:A datum doesn’t make sense. There should be plenty of data to make your point clear.

  190. 答案:D

  解析:“一夜休息”用a night’s rest 是因为表示时间的名词所有格用’s 的形式,如:The family went to Egypt for a month’s holiday. /Students usually have a two months’ vacation in summer.

  191. 答案:D

  解析:形式主语只能用it occurs to sb. that …可以作为固定搭配记忆和使用。

  192. 答案:B

  解析:名词作形容词需要熟练掌握,如:bus stop、truck load 等等。此句中的classroom 既不是人,也不表示时间、距离等,不能用’s 形式表示所属关系,故用of + sth.。再如:Those were new books of the school.

  193. 答案:D

  解析:quite 是副词,其后须有形容词(或副词),a 起形容词作用,所以D 正确。又如:They gave him quite a lot of reference books. /There was quite a lot of wine in that bottle. /He ran quite fast.

  194. 答案:D

  解析:choose 作及物动词用,是“选择”的意思,如:He chose Mr. Thompson as his partner. choose(sth.)from sth. 是“从##选择(某物)”的意思,如:He chose the red one from the apples. 后面的宾语如果在上下文已交待清楚就可以省略,如:We will give you a book and you can choose(it)from our books on the shelves.

  195. 答案:C

  解析:Be he rich or poor 是书面用语的虚拟语气。此句一般写成:Whether he is rich or poor,…. 如:Be it wide or narrow, they will cross the river.

