
2014-11-20 20:30:00来源:网络

  American society is not nap (午睡)friendly . In fact , says David Dinges , a sleep specialist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine . “There ' s even a prohibition against admitting we need sleep . " Nobody wants to be caught napping or found asleep at work . To quote a proverb : “Some sleep five hours , nature requires seven , laziness nine and wickedness eleven .”

  Wrong . The way not to fall asleep at work is to take naps when you need them . “We have to totally change our attitude toward napping ,” says Dr . William Dement of Stanford University , the godfather of sleep research .

  Last year a national commission led by Dement identified an " American sleep debt " which one member said was as important as the national debt . The commission was concerned about the dangers of sleepiness : people causing industrial accidents or falling asleep while driving . This may be why we have a new sleep policy in the White House . According to recent reports , president Clinton is trying to take a half hour snooze (打磕睡)every afternoon .

  About 60 percent of American adults nap when given the opportunity . We seem to have “a midafternoon quiet phase ”also called " a secondary sleep gate . " Sleeping is minutes to two hours in the early afternoon can reduce stress and make us refreshed . Clearly , we were born to nap .

  We Superstars of Snooze don ' t nap to replace lost shut eye or to prepare for a night shift . Rather , we “snack” on sleep , whenever , wherever and at whatever tirne we feel like it . I myself have napped in buses, cars , planes and on boats ; on floors and beds ; and in libraries , offices and museums .

  1. It is commonly accepted in American society that too much sleep is ____ .

  A . unreasonable B . criminal C . harmful D . costly

  2. The research done by the Dement commission shows that Americans ___ .

  A . don ' t like to take naps

  B . are terribly worried about their national debt

  C . sleep less than is good for them

  D . have caused many industrial and traffic accidents

  3. The purpose of this article is to _____ .

  A . warn us of the wickedness of napping

  B . explain the danger of sleepiness

  C . discuss the side effects of napping

  D . convince the reader of the necessity of napping

  4 . The “American sleep debt” ( Line l , Para. 3 ) is the result of ____ .

  A . the traditional misconception the Americans have about sleep

  B . the new sleep policy of the Clinton Administration

  C . the rapid development of American industry

  D . the Americans ' worry about the danger of sleepiness

  5. The second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is _____ .

  A . preferable to have a sound sleep before a night shift

  B . good practice to eat something light before we 90 to bed

  C . essential to make up for cost sleep

  D . natural to take a nap whenever we feel the need for it

  6. The author ' s attitude towards naps is _____ .

  A . neutral B . positive C . negative D . objective


  1.【答案】 A

  【解析】 首先应排除C 项“有害”和D 项“代价昂贵”。文章第一段第五行中的wickedness “邪恶”不等于criminal ,而应该理解成是一种不合情理的行为。


  【解析】Dement Commission 所做研究的相关结果出现在第三段。


  【 解析】 文章第一段作者指出:美国是一个对午睡不友好的社会,睡觉太多会被人们说成不正常、不合情理。第二段的一个“wrong ”表明了作者的态度。第三段指出了睡眠少的危害以及引起这种危害的原因。而最后一段,作者更是用现身说法呼吁人们想睡就睡,所以该文章的目的是使读者相信午睡的必要性。

  4.【答案】 A



  【 解析】 最后一段作者想说明的是:我们感到需要时打磕睡是非常自然的事。

  6.【答案】 B

  【 解析】 从文章中可以看出,作者对“小憩”的态度是肯定的。

