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2014-08-15 08:32:00 来源:网络发表评论

  Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school. The international circuit has players on the road 50% of the time--and it's hard to focus on your backhand when you're worrying about being on time for homeroom. So last year Hunt, who hones his ground strokes at Elite TNT Tennis Academy in April Sound, Texas, enrolled for academics in the $9,750-a-year University of Miami Online High School (UMOHS), a virtual school that caters to athletes. "The online school gives me the flexibility I need," says Hunt. "The workload is the same, but I can do it anywhere. It's nicer to ask a question face-to-face with a teacher, but in some ways it prepares me better for college because I have to be more independent." A year ago, Hunt's world junior ranking was 886; now it's 108.

  Virtual high schools, which allow students to take classes via PC, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative, particularly for on-the-go athletes. UMOHS has more than 400 students enrolled, 65% of whom are athletes. Accredited by the 100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes. All course material is online, along with assignments and due dates. For help, says principal Howard Liebman, "a student may e-mail, instant message or call the teacher."

  Dallas mom Lori Bannon turned to another online school, Laurel Springs in Ojai, Calif. Bannon, who has a medical degree from Harvard, didn't want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay, 13, an élite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym. "Regular school was not an option," says Bannon, "but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics." Laurel Springs' enrollment has increased 35% a year for the past four years, to 1,800 students. At least 25% are either athletes or child entertainers.

  Educators are split on the merits of such schools. Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, "I was somewhat of a skeptic. But when I looked into their programs and accreditation, I was excited. UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society." Kevin Roy, Elite's director of education, sees pitfalls and potential in virtual schools. "You will never have that wonderful teacher who inspires you for life," says Roy. "But the virtual school offers endless possibilities. I don't know where education's imagination will take this."

  1. What does Jamie Hunt get from the virtual school?

  [A] the ability to perfect his tennis skills

  [B] the time to do his school work

  [C] the flexibility to finish the workload anywhere

  [D] the independence he needs to be a good tennis player

  2. We can learn from the text that virtual high schools ___________.

  [A] make it possible for athletes to receive training without delaying their school work

  [B] have gained ground as a major education form

  [C] are cheaper than real schools

  [D] prepare students better for colleges

  3. Which of the following is not a practice in a virtual school?

  [A] Visiting a homeroom on time.

  [B] E-mailing teachers for questions.

  [C] Getting course materials online.

  [D] Taking classes via a PC.

  4. Lori Bannon turned to online school because____________.

  [A] virtual school has more athlete students

  [B] virtual school offers better education

  [C] her daughter is an elite gymnast

  [D] regular school can not meet her daughter’s condition

  5. To which of the following is the author likely to agree?

  [A] The education provided by virtual schools is yet to be recognized by authorities.

  [B] Educators are divided as to whether students should take virtual schools.

  [C] Despite the defects, virtual schools show great potentials.

  [D] Regular schools will be replaced by virtual schools sooner or later.



  本文是一篇说明文,介绍了网上虚拟学校的发展状况。第一段以网坛小将Jamie Hunt的例子引出虚拟学校这个话题。第二段介绍了虚拟学校的特点以及迈阿密大学网上中学。第三段介绍了另外一个到虚拟学校求学的例子。最后一段介绍了人们对虚拟学校的看法。


  hopeful [5hEupful] n. 有希望成功的人;一个渴望成功或显示出成功的希望的人

  circuit[5sE:kit] n. 联盟,运动队协会、俱乐部或比赛场地之间的联合组织

  backhand[5bAk5hAnd] n. 〈网球〉反手击球,反手抽击

  homeroom[`hEJmrU:m] n. 年级教室;一群同级学生每天汇报情况的学校教室

  hone[hEun] v. 磨练,训练使完美

  ground stroke n. 击触地球

  virtual[5v\:tjJEl] adj. 虚拟的

  cater to v. phr. 迎合

  on-the-go adj. 忙碌的

  accredit [E5kredit] v. 承认资格

  advanced-placement n. 大学预科班

  pitfall[5pitfC:l] n. 缺陷

本文关键字: 工商管理考试资料 工商管理考试



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