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2014-08-15 08:27:00 来源:网络发表评论

  Hidden valley looks a lot like the dozens of other camps that dot the woods of central Maine. There's a lake, some soccer fields and horses. But the campers make the difference. They're all American parents who have adopted kids from China. They're at Hidden Valley to find bridges from their children's old worlds to the new. Diana Becker of Montville, Maine, watches her 3-year-old daughter Mika dance to a Chinese version of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." "Her soul is Chinese," she says, "but really she's growing up American."

  Hidden Valley and a handful of other "culture camps" serving families with children from overseas reflect the huge rise in the number of foreign adoptions, from 7,093 in 1990 to 15,774 last year. Most children come from Russia (4,491last year) and China (4,206) but there are also thousands of others adopted annually from South America, Asia and Eastern Europe. After cutting through what can be miles of red tape, parents often come home to find a new dilemma. "At first you think, 'I need a child'," says Sandy Lachter of Washington, D.C., who with her husband, Steve, adopted Amelia, 5, from China in 1995. "Then you think, 'What does the child need?' "

  The culture camps give families a place to find answers to those kinds of questions. Most grew out of local support groups; Hidden Valley was started last year by the Boston chapter of Families with Children from China, which includes 650 families. While parents address weighty issues like how to raise kids in a mixed-race family, their children just have fun riding horses, singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes. "My philosophy of camping is that they could be doing anything, as long as they see other Chinese kids with white parents," says the director, Peter Kassen, whose adopted daughters Hope and Lily are 6 and 4.

  The camp is a continuation of language and dance classes many of the kids attend during the year. "When we rented out a theater for 'Mulan,' it was packed," says Stephen Chen of Boston, whose adopted daughter Lindsay is 4. Classes in Chinese language, art and calligraphy are taught by experts, like Renne Lu of the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Center. "Our mission is to preserve the heritage," Lu says.

  Kids who are veteran campers say the experience helps them understand their complex heritage. Sixteen-year-old Alex was born in India and adopted by Kathy and David Brinton of Boulder, Colo., when he was 7. "I went through a stage where I hated India, hated everything about it," he says. "You just couldn't mention India to me." But after six sessions at the East India Colorado Heritage Camp, held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park, Colo., he hopes to travel to India after he graduates from high school next year.

  Camp can be a learning experience for the whole family. Whitney Ning, 23, a counselor for four years, says the Korea Heritage Camp helped her become closer to her parents. "They were hesitant at first," she says, "but when they saw how much it meant to me, they became very supportive." Sometimes the most direct route around the world is across a campfire.

  1. Why American parents come to Hidden Valley?

  [A]It has a large gathering of adopted children.

  [B]Parents want to find a place to exchange their ideas.

  [C]It helps children adapt to the new culture well.

  [D]It is a very good place for relaxation.

  2. Which of the following is not the advantage of the culture camp?

  [A]It well reflects the increasing foreign adoptions.

  [B]Parents can find the answers to their questions in raising the adopted children.

  [C]Children can learn a lot in culture camp.

  [D]It helps the adopted children have a better understanding of their complex heritage.

  3. The expression “miles of red tape”(Line 5, Paragraph 2) most probably means _________.

  [A]a number of choices

  [B]many hard journeys

  [C]a lot of difficulties

  [D]most troublesome procedures

  4. What is Alex’s attitude toward India now?

  [A]Strong disapproval.

  [B]Reserved consent.

  [C]Slight contempt

  [D]Enthusiastic support

  5. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  [A]Foreign adoption is a common phenomenon in America.

  [B]Children can do whatever they want to do in the culture camp.

  [C]Both parents and their adopted children can benefit from the culture camp.

  [D]Children can receive best education in the culture camp.





  red tape n(捆扎文件的)红带;繁琐的手续,文牍主义;官僚作风

  dilemma[daI5lemE]n.进退两难的局面, 困难的选择

  calligraphy n.书法

  Boulder n.玻尔得,美国科罗拉多州中南部一城市


  After cutting through what can be miles of red tape, parents often come home to find a new dilemma.

  主体句式:…parents often come home to find a new dilemma.

  结构分析:介词“after”之后跟了一个名词性动词短语“cutting through”,意思是“抄近路走过”;介词“through”后面跟的是由“what”引导的名词性从句;习语“red tape”的意思是“繁琐的手续,文牍主义;官僚作风;繁文缛节,尤指当其令人感到难以忍受的、复杂且浪费时间的”。


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