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2015-10-05 22:41:26 来源:网络发表评论

  Not so long ago, Mexico and the United States were, in the title of a best-selling(畅销的)book ,”distant neighbors”, such was the gulf between them in everything from policies to ways of though. Now they are becoming closely linked. Not only have Mexico’s exports t the United States been growing at around 20% a year since the North American Free-trade agreement(NAFTA) came into effect in 1994, but the twocountries are closer in other ways.

  This week, Mexico began selling 50 megawatts(兆千瓦) of electricity, or enough to power 50,000homes, to California — an ordinary neighborly transaction, but one that would once have been seen as close to treason, In the 1980s, Mexico was sill so paranoid(患妄想狂症)about foreign meddling(管闲事) that it protected even its criminals in the name of national sovereignty(主权). It has since begun extraditing(引渡) them to the United States. Mexico’s Supreme Court last month confirmed this was legal. Days later, a drug-runner bribed his way out of jail, prompting Vicente Fox, Mexico’s new president, to back extradition publicly.

  Meanwhile, a majority of binational(两个国家的)bodies have sprung up to deal with shared problems such as migration(移民), border control and water shortages, as well as drug trafficking(非法买卖). To formally end the new closeness, on February 16th George Bush will make his first foreign trip as president, not to Canada, as many of his predecessors(前任)have, but to Mexico, to see Mr Fox.

  Ironically, however, what may bring home most sharply to Mexicans the two countries’ changed relationship is the slowdown in the United States’ economy. That is the main reason why growth in Mexico will slow from over 7% last year to 4% this year, according to the government’s forecast. Others say the figure could be lower. Like a small boat pulled behind a big ship, Mexico’s economy is able to go where America’s goes, but risks being striked in its wake.

  This week, Daimler Chrysler announced that over the next three years it will shut three of its car plants in Mexico, shedding 2,600 jobs, nearly a quarter of its local total. That is part of a worldwide cost-cutting drive, and the company will keep open its modern plant in northern Mexico. But it is still a worrying sign. Cars and car parts make up a fifth of Mexico’s exports. Nearly two-thirds of the cars made in Mexico go to the United States.

  1. Which of the following is true about the relationship between the Mexico and the US?

  A. There are differences in their policies between the two countries.

  B. There are different ideas in every thing between the two counties.

  C. There are exports and imports between the two countries.

  D. There is a close contract between the two countries.

  2. It is implied from Bush’s first visiting country not to be Canada but Mexico that________

  A. the relationship between Mexico and US become more and more impotant.

  B. Canada has become less important to US than Mexico

  C. Bush’s character is different from his predecessors greatly.

  D. the shared problems should be solved as early as possible through goverments

  3. What is the attitude of author about the prospect of Mexico?

  A. Worried

  B. Optimistic

  C. Pessimistic

  D. Bias

  4. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

  A. Mexico didn’t extradite criminal in 1980s at all.

  B. Mexico’s economy is deeply affected by America.

  C. In fact, the rate of growth in Mexico will be less than 4%

  D. It is necessarily the case that Mexico benefit a lot from US.

  5. In the line4 paragraph 2, the word ”its” refers to ____.

  A. Mexico

  B. US

  C. Canada

  D. Bias



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