Passage Twenty
University of North Carolina
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Manage Alerts | What Is This? WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Bottlenose dolphins (宽吻海豚)can call each other by name when they whistle, making them the only animals besides humans known to recognize such identity information, scientists reported on Monday.
Scientists have long known that dolphins' whistling calls include repeated information thought to be their names, but a new study indicates dolphins recognize these names even when voice cues are removed from the sound.
For example, a dolphin might be expected to recognize its name if called by its mother, but the new study found most dolphins recognized names -- their signature whistles -- even when emitted without inflection or other vocal cues.
More than that, two dolphins may refer to a third by the third animal's name, said Laela Sayigh, one of three authors of a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"They are known to produce these individually distinctive signature whistles, like names," Sayigh said in a telephone interview. She said the researchers wanted to know what information in the whistles helped dolphins identify each other's names.
The scientists already knew that dolphins responded to whistles, but wondered if something in the actual voice of the whistling dolphin was making the identity clear, or if the name itself was enough for recognition.
To find out, they studied bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Instead of playing recordings of actual dolphins making signature whistles, the researchers synthesized signature whistles with the caller's voice features removed and played them to dolphins through an underwater speaker.
In nine out of 14 cases, the dolphin would turn more often toward the speaker if it heard a whistle that sounded like a close relative's.
"It's a very interesting finding that encourages further research, because they are using whistles as referential signals -- that's what words are," said Sayigh, of the University of North Carolina Wilmington. "Dolphins appear to be using these arbitrary signals to identify another dolphin."
She stopped short of saying dolphins might have a human-like language.
"I tend to shy away from using the word 'language' myself, because it's such a loaded term," Sayigh said. "I still really feel strongly that there is no evidence for something like our language. (Dolphins) have got the cognitive skills at least to have referential signals."
1.What is the new finding of scientists in terms dolphins?
I. Dolphins can identify their companions by means of whistle.
II. Dolphins can identify who’s who through sounds of whistle even when they are not heard.
III. Dolphins can “talk about” the third animal by referring it through a given whistle.
A. I and II B. II and III C. None of above D. All of above
2. The researchers synthesized the sound in order to find out _______.
A. if signature whistles can be the clue for dolphins to recognize their relatives.
B. if different whistles of dolphins can be clearly identified by their companions.
C. if dolphins can respond to the synthesized sounds.
D. Both A and B
3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Dolphins can only identify the whistles of their close relatives.
B. Signature whistles can be identified by dolphins even when they are removed.
C. Synthesized sounds can not prevent dolphins from recognizing their friends.
D. Only humans and dolphins can identify sound information in this planet.
4.From this passage we can infer that ______.
A. dolphins study sound information from humans
B. cognitive skills has been the fundamental step to language formation for animals.
C. arbitrary signals only embrace signature whistle.
D. we can teach dolphins to speak
5.What can be the best title for this passage?
A. Dolphins Can Speak .
B. Signature Whistles Help Dolphins Find Companions
C. Dolphins Are Smarter
D. The Language of Human and Dolphins.
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来源 : 网络 2017-05-10 17:32:34 关键字 : 2017年同等学力心理学 同等学力备考
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