Passage Four
PARIS, France (AP) -- The French woman who received the world's first partial face transplant has complete feeling in the new tissue five months after the operation, she told a Sunday newspaper.
"The scars have considerably healed. The doctors are confident. In addition, I have recovered total feeling," Isabelle Dinoire told the newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche.
The 38-year-old mother of two last spoke publicly in February when she held a lengthy news conference along with medical personnel in the northern town of Amiens where the November 27 operation took place. During the 15 hours of surgery, a team of doctors replaced a gaping hole from a dog mauling with a partial face that included a new nose, mouth and chin.
"Each day that passes, I think, above all, of the donor and her family whom I cannot thank enough," she told the newspaper. "We must not forget that today, thanks to them, I have become visible again."Dinoire noted that her speaking has improved. During the news conference in February her words, stuck in a still-frozen new mouth, were often difficult to understand. Today, "I still have a little problem of mobility, symmetry as the doctors say." She said the real difficulty was pronouncing sounds that use the lips, such as the "b" or "p" sounds. She nevertheless is able to speak comprehensibly.
Before the transplant, Dinoire's lipless gums and teeth were permanently exposed, and most of her nose was missing, torn off by her pet Labrador who disfigured her as she lay knocked out from drugs she took to forget a trying week. She wore a surgical mask in public to avoid frightening people. Today, Dinoire says, she still only leaves her apartment if accompanied and has not replaced the mirrors she removed from her home after the accident. The journey to full recovery is far from over for Dinoire, who spoke with the newspaper in a small room at the Amiens teaching hospital.
Each week, she visits the Amiens hospital for a battery of tests, re-education sessions and visits with a psychologist. Each month, she must travel to a hospital in Lyon, in southeast France, where she spent weeks after the operation receiving an anti-rejection treatment so her body would accept the new tissue. She is given more tests and her treatment is adjusted, now down from 20 pills daily to 10, she said.
In addition, several times a day she must examine a small patch of skin from the donor on her stomach, a "sentinel ... that should sound the alarm if something goes wrong," she said. She also has to do the same with her face, examining it in a magnifying mirror -- the only mirror now in her home.
However, the hardest part appears to be getting to know herself again. Has she accepted her new face? "It's too difficult to explain," she told the paper. She takes out old photos and, shocked at the difference, tells herself that she has simply aged, she said.
1. Why did Dinoire attend the news conference held for her ?
A. Because she wanted to spread the good news.
B. Because her partial face transplant surgery is a miracle.
C. Because her face is not as frightening as before.
D. Because this is an unprecedented and comparatively successful surgery .
2.Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. The surgery can not enable her to pronounce clearly after operation.
B. Dinoire was satisfied with the surgery both physically and psychologically.
C. It will take several weeks before her body could accept new tissue.
D. She had no strength to fight against her pet.
3.By saying “ I became visible again”. Dinorre meant__________
A. she can see objects clearly after the operation.
B. her face looks normal.
C. she might not wear mask again.
D. Both B and C.
4. She frequently examine the part of her new skin donated from other people because ______.
A. that part can alert if something goes wrong with her face
B. that part looks strange.
C. that part is very fragile.
D. None of above
5. What is the attitude of Dinoire towards her new face ?
A. Satisfactory.
B. Negative
C. Indifference
D. Mixed feelings.
本文关键字: 同等学力申硕英语考试技巧 同等学力考试
来源 : 网络 2017-05-10 17:32:34 关键字 : 2017年同等学力心理学 同等学力备考
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