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2015-04-01 08:16:00 来源:网络发表评论

  My surprise over the past few winters has been the personality transformation my parents go through around mid-December as they change from Dad and Mom into Grandpa and Grandma. Yes, they become grandparents and are completely different from the people I know the other eleven and a half months of the year.

  The first sign of my parents’ change is the delight they take in visiting toy and children’s clothing stores. These two people, who usually dislike anything having to do with shopping malls, become crazy consumers. While they tell me to budget my money and shop wisely, they are buying up every doll and dump truck in sight. And this is only the beginning of the holidays!

  When my brother’s children arrive, Grandpa and Grandma come into full form. First they throw out all ideas about a balanced diet for the grandkids. While we were raised in a house where everyone had to take two bites of corn, beets(甜菜), or liver (foods that appeared quite often on our table despite constant complaining), the grandchildren never have to eat anything that does not appeal to them. Grandma carries chocolate in her pockets to bribe(贿赂)the littlest ones into following her around the house, while Grandpa offers “surprises” of candy and cake to them all day long. Boxes of chocolate-pie disappear while the whole-wheat bread get hard and stale. The kids love all the sweets, and when the sugar raises their energy levels, Grandma and Grandpa can always decide to leave and do a bit more shopping or go to bed while my brother and sister-in-law try to deal with their highly active kids.

  Once the grandchildren have arrived, Grandma and Grandpa also seem to forget all of the responsibility lectures I so often hear in my daily life. If Mickey screams at his sister during dinner, he is “developing his own personality”; if Nancy breaks Grandma’s mirror, she is “just a curious child”. But, if I track mud into the house while helping to unload groceries, I become “careless”; if I scold one of the grandkids for tearing pages out of my textbook, I am “ impatient”. If Paula talks back to her mother, Grandma and Grandpa smile at her spirit. If I say one word about all of this excessive love, Mom and Dad reappear to have a talk with me about petty jealousies.

  1.As regards his parents’ shopping for the grandchildren, the author .

  A.feels jealous B.feels amazed

  C.thinks it unnecessary D.thinks it annoying

  2.What happens after the kids have had all the sweets?

  A.They get highly energetic. B.They quiet down.

  C.They want more sweets. D.They go to bed.

  3.Which of the following is NOT true of the visiting children?

  A.They behave very well. B.They like chocolate very much.

  C.They receive toys from their grandparents. D.They are having a lot of fun.

  4.It can be inferred from the passage that when the author was a child, he .

  A.liked the foods he had B.got a lot of pocket money

  C.was spoiled by his parents D.was scolded if he misbehaved

  5.“Personality transformation” in the author’s parents means that they .

  A.have turned into loving parents B.have become strict parents

  C.no longer care for the author D.used to believe in discipline for children


  1.B。根据文章第二段中的“These two people … become crazy consumers.”可知,作者对父母的这种变化感到很吃惊。故答案为B。

  2.A。根据文章第三段中的“The kids love all the sweets, and when the sugar raises their energy levels …”可以看出,糖果给孩子们增加能量。故答案为A。



  5.D。根据最后一段中的“… seem to forget all of the responsibility lectures I so often hear in my daily life.”可知,作者的父母曾经很赞成那些责任教育。故答案为D。

本文关键字: 联考英语 考试资料 联考英语考试



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