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2015-02-25 18:01:00 来源:网络发表评论

  Exercise 7.1

  1. The recent statistics on marriage ______ a strong response on public.

  A. is evoking B. are evoking

  C. evoked D. Evoke

  2. Two dimes and a penny ______ all the coins john had with him.

  A. is B. are

  C. was D. were

  3. More than one hundred volunteers ______ hurried to the scene to donate their blood.

  A. have B. has

  C. having D. had

  4. She was crazy about swimming, half of her spare time ______ spent in the swimming pool.

  A. are B. is

  C. was D. were

  5. That species of birds ______ small, timid and rare.

  A. are B. is

  C. being D. been

  6. A wide variety of pictures ______ being displayed at the Beijing Art Galley.

  A. are B. Is

  C. was D. were

  7. The iron and steel industry ______ the backbone of socialist construction.

  A. is being B. was being

  C. is D. are

  8. About two thirds of the world ______ inhabited by people who are severely under nourished.

  A. is B. are

  C. had been D. have been

  9. All but one of the graduate assistants ______ the results of the experiment.

  A. understands

  B. understand

  C. had been understood

  D. has understood

  10. No boy and no girl under the age of thirteen ______ permitted to see the film.

  A. been B. being

  C. are D. is

  11. More than 50% of the machine tools on display ______ of our own manufacture.

  A. are B. is

  C. had been D. was

  12. On the winding path ______ to be found footprints of some strange animals.

  A. is B. are

  C. was D. were

  13. Many a member of the armed forces ______ given his life for our country.

  A. had B. have

  C. has D. had had

  14. There ______ to be several reasons for changing their plans.

  A. appears B. appear

  C. appearing D. appeared

  15. All trade between the two countries ______ suspended pending negotiation of a new agreement.

  A. are B. is

  C. were D. was

  16. Ham and eggs ______ a hearty break fast for a growing boy.

  A. make B. makes

  C. make D. are making

  17. The majority of the TOFEL ______ difficult.

  A. is B. are

  C. was D. had been

  18. The audience ______ told ______ shouldn’t applaud until all the speeches had been given.

  A. was… they B. were… it

  C. was… it D. were… they

  19. Neither Jane nor Mary told Tom and me that ______ wanted to visit us this summer.

  A. I B. he

  C. they D. she

  20. Both my wife and my son asked me to make ______ bacon and eggs for breakfast.

  A. himself B. her

  C. them D. themselves

  Exercise 7.2

  1. None of the debaters _____ convincing _____ audience.

  A. were, his B. was, their

  C. were, their D. was, its

  2. His facial expression, as well as his tone of voice, _____ away.

  A. was giving him

  B. were giving him

  C. was giving himself

  D. were giving himself

  3. Three dimes and a nickel _____ all the coins Peter had with him.

  A. is B. are

  C. was D. were

  4. Most of his savings _____ in the New York Bank.

  A. have kept B. had kept

  C. has been kept D. have been kept

  5. Many a student and many a parent _____ the importance of learning a foreign language.

  A. has been realized

  B. has realized

  C. have realized

  D. have been realized

  6. All but he and I _____ to Shanghai to spend the winter vacation.

  A. is going B. is going to go

  C. are going D. was going

  7. How much _____ those books you bought from the bookstore?

  A. are B. has been

  C. is D. cost

  8. Three-fourths of the apples _____ and two-thirds of the crop _____.

  A. was ruined, was ruined

  B. was ruined, were ruined

  C. were ruined, was ruined

  D. were ruined, were ruined

  9. Here _____ some sweets. Take some.

  A. has B. is

  C. was D. are

  10. The majority of the damage _____ easy to repair.

  A. have been B. were

  C. is D. are

  11. A series of car accidents _____ recently.

  A. had been reported

  B. has been reported

  C. having been reported

  D. are being reported

  12. My teacher’s works _____ by his contemporaries.

  A. is highly praised

  B. are highly praised

  C. has been highly praised

  D. are high praised

  13. Such species of birds _____ extinct.

  A. have become B. had become

  C. has become D. are becoming

  14. His whereabouts _____ only to his mother.

  A. have known

  B. are being known

  C. has been knowing

  D. is known

  15. The office staff _____ to hear the president speak.

  A. is gathered

  B. is being gathered

  C. has been gathered

  D. are gathered

  16. The committee _____ over the issue among themselves for many hours.

  A. has been arguing

  B. have been arguing

  C. has argued

  D. have being argued

  18. The football team _____ baths and _____ back here for tea.

  A. was having, was then coming

  B. were having, were then come

  C. is having, is then coming

  D. are having, are then coming

  19. The disciplinary committee _____ that severe measures must be adopted to combat crime.

  A. have believed

  B. have been believed

  C. believes

  D. believe

  20. Athletics _____ at the institute.

  A. has promoted

  B. has promoted

  C. have been promoted

  D. has been promoted

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