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2015-02-25 18:01:00 来源:网络发表评论

  Exercise 8.1

  1. ______ with whom we are familiar. (Here you are.)

  A. Here comes the clown

  B. Here the clown comes

  C. The clown comes here

  D. Here the clown come

  2. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion.

  A. can you B. would you

  C. you will D. you can

  3. Often ______ ask her not to be late for school.

  A. we do B. do we

  C. we have D. have we

  4. So badly ______ in the accident that he was detained in the hospital for treatment.

  A. did he injure B. he did injure

  C. was he injured D. he was injured

  5. Not only was she hard working, ______.

  A. how beautiful she was

  B. was she helpful

  C. but also she was very polite

  D. what a beautiful girl

  6. ______ he would have been a rich man.

  A. Was he to enter business

  B. were he entered business

  C. Had he entered business

  D. Was he entered business

  7. Hardly had he finished his speech ______ the audience started cheering.

  A. and B. when

  C. than D. as

  8. Nowhere else in the world ______ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

  A. you can find B. can you find

  C. you have found D. have you found

  9. ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.

  A. There existed B. There had

  C. They had D. It existed

  10. To such degree ______ that he was often left out in the cold.

  A. did he become disagreeable

  B. will he become disagreeable

  C. disagreeable does he become

  D. he became disagreeable

  11. Among those present ______ who eagerly responded to the Party’s call and went to work in the border regions.

  A. were Teacher Wang B. was Teacher Wang

  C. they were D. was that they

  12. At the door ______ whose mother was a doctor.

  A. a man stood

  B. stood a man

  C. a man is standing

  D. were standing a man

  13. On no account ______ when I have nothing to say.

  A. shall I force myself write

  B. I shall force myself write

  C. will force myself to write

  D. I will be forced to write

  14.He hasn’t been to the Great Wall, ______ .

  A. So haven’t I B. so do I

  C. Neither have I  D. I haven’t too

  15. Tom insists on our going over, ______.

  A. it be late or early

  B. be it late or early

  C. late it be or early

  D. it will be late or early

  16. ______ that nobody wanted to play for them.

  A. Because the flight tickets were so expensive

  B. So expensive the flight tickets were

  C. The expensive were the flight tickets

  D. So expensive were the flight tickets

  17. ______ , I could not detect the smallest alternation in its outline.

  A. as I would scan it

  B. However I would scan it hard

  C. Scan it although I would

  D. Scan it as I would

  18. ______ his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.

  A. Little does he think B. He thinks little

  C. Little did he think D. Little he thought

  19. Then ______ an epoch of social revolution.

  A. does open B. opens

  C. do open D. open

  20. Many and many things ______ to do.

  A. he has had B. has he had

  C. had he had D. he had had

  Exercise 8.2

  1. I don’t like hot weather, and _____.

  A. she doesn’t too

  B. either doesn’t she

  C. neither does she

  D. she doesn’t neither

  2. Her husband lived in London before they got married, and so _____.

  A. did she B. had she

  C. she had D. she did

  3. “Will Tom come back to school tomorrow?”

  “I Hope _____.”

  A. that B. this

  C. so D. it

  5. “Would you kindly lend me some money?”

  “Yes, _____.”

  A. I had to B. I like to

  C. I’d love to D. I would to

  6. I can’t speak French. _____.

  A. Either can’t my sister

  B. Neither can my sister

  C. My sister can’t too

  D. Nor can my sister, too

  7. I’ll face the danger _____ good or evil.

  A. as B. since

  C. now that D. whether

  8. _____ necessary, change the form of the verbs.

  A. Though B. If

  C. What D. How

  9. What _____ I can’t get there in time?

  A. that B. it

  C. when D. if

  10. She studies _____ John.

  A. as hard as B. much harder

  C. as more as D. as better as

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