19. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.
20. No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.
21.Overuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria that have to be treated with more powerful and often more expensive drugs. And sometimes there are no drugs that work effectively, which increases the danger to people who are infected. The U.S. campaign for the smart use of antibiotics parallels similar efforts in Europe and Canada, which Hicks says underscores the international nature of the threat." Resistant bacteria don't respect country or national boundaries and can easily travel on planes. Antibiotic resistance anywhere is really antibiotic resistance everywhere."
22.The emergence of the European Union has been one of defining events of the twentieth century. It has changed the political, economic, and social landscapes of Western European, changed the balance of power in the world by helping Europe reassert themselves on the world stage, and helped to bring the longest uninterrupted spell of peace in European recorded history. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, Europe was a continent of competing powers that repeatedly fought with each other on their own soil and took their mutual hostilities to other continents in their competition to build colonial empires.
参考译文:Right now you know your GPS might be able to tell you that there is congestion up ahead. Well, our scientists are now using traffic prediction technology, not just detection, but prediction, so that by knowing everyone's driving patterns, and knowing about the sort of arrival times of trains and planes, etc, we'll be able to give everyone personalized commute instructions. So that rather than just wait for congestion to happen and then wrap people around it, we'll be able to anticipate and prevent that congestion on the same roadways and everyone will move more smoothly.
参考译文:As the century developed ,the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines made it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data, techniques and equipment that were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently.
本文关键字: 同等学力申硕英语考试技巧 同等学力考试
来源 : 网络 2017-05-10 17:32:34 关键字 : 2017年同等学力心理学 同等学力备考
一、有针对性、方向性的复习 外语:外语考试中英语语种是选择最多的一种,考试难度和大学英语4级考试相当,对于大多数考生来说还是
一、反复复习,强化记忆 孔子有言:温故而知新。这同样可以运用到我们的在职研究生复习备考中,尤其是我们在备考同等学力在职研究生
1、统觉:赫尔巴特的术语,指意识观念由无意识中选择那些能通过融合或复合而与自身合为一体的观念的同化过程。 2、学校心理学:学校
第一,制定合理的复习计划 考生在复习之前,一定要先制定一个明确的复习计划:多长时间内,完成什么内容的复习,并且要尽量将这样的