721. The recruit made the current circulate in the circuit on the circumference.
722. In the suitcase, the guitar tutor found the tuition by intuition.
723. The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.
724. The wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily.
725. The peer's queer peering is a sheer sneer.
726. The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money.
727. The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.
728. Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.
729. The inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau.
730. Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.
731. I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.
732. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil.
733. He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict.
734. Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.
735. The deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity.
736. The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo.
737. According to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes.
738. Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.
739. The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.
740. The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.
本文关键字: 同等学力申硕英语考试技巧 同等学力考试
来源 : 网络 2017-05-10 17:32:34 关键字 : 2017年同等学力心理学 同等学力备考
一、有针对性、方向性的复习 外语:外语考试中英语语种是选择最多的一种,考试难度和大学英语4级考试相当,对于大多数考生来说还是
一、反复复习,强化记忆 孔子有言:温故而知新。这同样可以运用到我们的在职研究生复习备考中,尤其是我们在备考同等学力在职研究生
1、统觉:赫尔巴特的术语,指意识观念由无意识中选择那些能通过融合或复合而与自身合为一体的观念的同化过程。 2、学校心理学:学校
第一,制定合理的复习计划 考生在复习之前,一定要先制定一个明确的复习计划:多长时间内,完成什么内容的复习,并且要尽量将这样的