2014-09-26 08:05:00 来源:网络发表评论
备考辅导:英语备考策略和技巧 联考英语翻译备考策略 2015在职硕士考试经验技巧
GCT考试: GCT英语备考辅导 GCT数学备考辅导 GCT语文备考辅导 GCT逻辑备考
公共管理: 公文写作范文汇总 2015年在职MPA管理学案例材料 人力资源营销新论
艺术硕士: 艺术硕士艺术概论资料汇总 艺术硕士复习试题|答案 艺术硕士备考知识点
Tests conducted at the University of Pennsylvania’s Psycho1ical Laboratory showed that anger is one of the most difficult Emotions to find out from facial expressions. Professor Dallas E. Buzby confronted 716 students with pictures of extreme1y angry persons, and asked them to identify the emotion from the facial expression。 Only two percent made correct judgments. Anger was most frequently judged as“pleased”.
And a typical reaction of a student confronted with the picture of a man who was mad was to classify his expression as either ‘bewildered’,‘quizzical’,or simply‘amazed’.Other studies showed that it is extremely difficult to tell whether a man is angry or not just by looking at his face. The investigators found further that women are better at finding out anger from facia1 expressions than men are. Paradoxically,they found that psychological training does not improve one’s ability to judge a man’s emotions by his expressions but actually hinders it. For in the university tests, the more courses the student had taken in psychology, the poorer judgment score he turned in.
1.The information in this passage centers around___________.
A. the re1ation between anger and other emotions
B. the differences between men and women with respect to emotion
C. the influence of psychology on human emotions
D. the discovery of anger from facial expressions
2.when tested, students with psychological training_________.
A. marked less than two percent of their possible choices correctly
B. did better than the average student in the group
C. seemed less able to judge correctly than the average student
D. performed in a manner not specified in the passage
3.To achieve the greatest success in finding out anger from facial expressions,it would be best to__________.
A. use adults rather than students as judges
B. ask women who do not study psychology to judge it
C. ask men rather than women to judge it
D. be satisfied with a two percent success,if such a percentage is guaranteed
4.The last two sentences in the second paragraph show that__________.
A. such training has not resulted in better scores
B. we have really achieved the anticipated results
C. the judgment is similar to what we have expected
D.we can expect such training to have the effect stated
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