2014-09-25 07:02:00 来源:网络发表评论
备考辅导:英语备考策略和技巧 联考英语翻译备考策略 2015在职硕士考试经验技巧
GCT考试: GCT英语备考辅导 GCT数学备考辅导 GCT语文备考辅导 GCT逻辑备考
公共管理: 公文写作范文汇总 2015年在职MPA管理学案例材料 人力资源营销新论
艺术硕士: 艺术硕士艺术概论资料汇总 艺术硕士复习试题|答案 艺术硕士备考知识点
1. The issue of e-commerce did not ____________ any detailed discussions at the conference.
A. take delight in
B. give rise to
C. give way to
D. take advantage of
2. Can you ___________ an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?
A. imagine
B. suppose
C. think
D. expect
3. We debated the advantages and disadvantages of filming famous works__ intended for the theater.
A. absolutely
B. conventionally
C. regularly
D. originally
4. He said that the medicine the doctor gave him brought _____ to his headache.
A. retreat
B. recovery
C. relief
D. relaxation
5.The work has _____ the status of a classic among the composer's admirers.
A. required
B. acquired
C. inquired
D. inspired
6.Some people think they can read man's _____ from his handwriting.
A. attribute
B. feature
C. property
D. character
7. Many dreams ________seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable.
A. at first
B. first
C. firstly
D. first of all
8. If you are going to interview someone you _______ know something about them.
A. should as well
B. might as well
C. had rather
D. would rather
9. Discipline cannot be ____ until the last day of school has passed.
A. lessened
B. reduced
C. relaxed
D. lowered
10. Some people argue that ____ regulations for water pollution will drive up costs and put jobs at risk.
A. firm
B. tight
C. tense
D. close
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【特训】2015GCT语文全程专项特训班 | ¥400 | 免费试听 | |
【特训】2015年GCT数学全程专项特训班 | ¥680 | 免费试听 | |
【特训】2015年GCT逻辑全程专项特训班 | ¥400 | 免费试听 | |
联考英语 | 【提高】2015年联考英语技巧提高班 | ¥680 | 免费试听 |
【冲刺】2015年联考英语冲刺抢分班 | ¥680 | 免费试听 | |
法律硕士 | 【全程】2015法律硕士专业综合全程 | ¥880 | 免费试听 |
工商管理 | 写作专项零基础班数学专项逻辑专项 | ||
专项班 | 公共管理会计硕士教育硕士艺术硕士 |
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